Saturday, October 1, 2011

It's More Than Just a Game

Call of Duty is a way of life for some people. In an article I just read, a 13 year old kid found this out the hard way. When someone puts on that microphone when playing XBox live, people feel as big as they want. You can say whatever without taking a punch to the face. It is indeed the only situation where a nugget kid could feel superior to an adult. I myself have gotten toasted by little kids in Madden, NHL and Call of Duty. As for Halo, I can't be touched.

This article is absolutely priceless. This 46 year old from England just snaps and has enough of the 13 year old talking junk to him. One too many claymores and this guy loses it and goes to extremes by going to this kids house and choking him. Article is hilarious. Stay mature man.

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