Monday, October 31, 2011

I'm Back!

Some of you care, some you don't, but I'm back in the blogging routine. I was away in Philly this weekend aka "Swag City" and it was another great time. Halloweekend was an absolute success. It really contained a little bit of everything. I must say one of the many highlights of the trip was waking up to a dog in the house, an American pitbull to be exact. Apparently the dog was wondering the streets of Manyunk (section next to Philly) and it was scooped up by members of our elite squad located on Wynnfield Avenue. It was brought back to the house and was given the proper care it needed. We even had a dog bowl. We also named the dog Ms. PacMan. Regardless, this dog was saved. A call was placed to an animal hospital in the area where the dog's owners had reported it missing. Well, we got your dog right here guys. Better learn to keep a closer eye on the thing. Hero or criminal? I don't know but regardless the dog is back home.

"What do pitbulls dream of, when they take a little doggy snooze
Do they dream of mauling faces, or Clifford the big red dog
Well don't you worry your scary, skinny face, we're gonna get you back to Manyunk in your sketchy, interesting bed
And then we're clean this house all up
And then we're gonna do it all over again..."

Pretty much the anthem for the weekend.

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