Thursday, October 13, 2011

Leave Papi

I want a whole new team next year. I'll keep Lester and Buccholz and of course A-Gon, but as for the rest of them, get out. I can't take you guys acting like a bunch of babies. If you can't handle taking heat for having the biggest choke in sports history, then stop playing baseball. What did you guys expect, to not take heat from a sports town that demands perfection year in and year out. And now to put the icing on the cake I have to listen to David Ortiz talk about how great the Yankees are. You want to get the entire city of Bosotn and Sox fans to boo you? You just did it big guy. Thanks for the memories. Don't get hit by the 'T' on your way out of Boston. Peace.

His comments:

"It's great from what I hear," Ortiz said of the Yankees. "It's a good situation to be involved in. Who doesn't want to be involved in a great situation where everything goes the right way?

Yes, Wally it is true. He loves them. 

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