Thursday, October 20, 2011

Who Wants to Get Scared?

Listen guys, I love America probably more than anybody on this planet. I refuse to go abroad or to any other nation until I see all the major cities and sites in the greatest nation in the world. But ladies and gentlemen, this country is facing a major identity crisis and it starts with the debt of this nation.

Everybody wants to talk up how great the Reagan years but you want the truth, the debt increased insanely during his 2 terms as President. In the past 35 years, we have only had 5 budget surplus years as a nation. Much of this can be attributed to the Republican controlled Congress led under Newt Gingrich. But like it or not, Congress is a broken system. I've tried and tried to believe it isn't but it is. Senators and Reps are so concerned with getting elected for another term that they forget that they actually have a freakin' job to do. They'll sit an talk to you and agree with everything you're saying but the minute they stop talking to you, they don't give a rats booty about what you said. All they care about is being able to call themselves a congress representative so they can into their hometowns and walk around like they can't be stopped. They suck. They are clueless and we need smarter people in there. When China tells us that we need to cut military spending we freak out saying "why so you can attack us?" China hasn't invaded another nation in 1500 years guys. It's time for a change and it's time for the hill to listen.

In 2007 they were warned about what could become of this federal debt by a man named David Walker (absolute boss) and they were too busy riding their high horses to understand. Well here are you facts.

  • The current federal deficit is about 14.9 trillion dollars. 
  • It was predicted that in 2048 the U.S. would face a $2 trillion deficit a year...guess what: we are already at that...37 years ahead of schedule. 
  • The only thing that helped us during our 5 budget surplus years was Social Security and by 2017 that is predicted to run out...guess what: it happened in 2011, 6 years ahead of schedule. 
If you don't want to pay attention to these numbers, then so be it. But I got news for you, when searching for job just keep it in the back of you head. This is now our problem, our generation's. 

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