Monday, October 17, 2011

This is Just Too Good...

So there is this app on the new iPhone titled "Find My Friends" and it can track where you are based on your phone's location. Well one unlucky wife was caught with another man when her husband installed this app on her phone without her knowing and boom, there she was uptown in Manhattan when she said she was in East Village. Down goes the marriage. Check please!

I'm telling you social media and apps like these absolutely destroy relationships and marriages. A man or woman could be happily married for 20 years and the minute one of them gets a Facebook and reconnect with old high school lovers, it's all downhill. The flame ignites again and the memories drift back to prom night and the late night at the beach. It really is funny. Twitter gets many people in trouble. You say one thing and within an instant it's right back in your face. Maybe I'll change my name when I get married so I won't be tempted to rekindle any flames. Or maybe I'll just delete the old Facebook. Or maybe I'll download "Find My Friends" app, find that my wife is cheating on me then go and rekindle an old flame. Yeah, that sounds about right.

"WE WERE BREAKING UP FOR 10 HOURS!" It's a lot quicker with the Find My Friends App Jerry.

Click here to read the article. Pretty funny.

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