Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hate Sundays on Facebook

It's come to the point where I just refuse to go on Facebook on Sundays. First off, on Sundays I'm always loaded with work so I probably shouldn't be on Facebook anyways. But honestly I don't care that you drank on the weekend. You did??? No way, I had no idea that you party on weekends. I don't care. I don't care what nutty outfit you had on or how many shots you took of if the bartender was flirting with you. I don't understand why people feel the need to make their statuses like "omggg so hungover" or "crazy night can't even think about it." Text somebody. Don't pull out the insecure stop and have to feel the need to broadcast it to the world. Chances are if you had such a great night then you have text them, call them and chat about the 'craziness.' Don't put up pictures of absolutely nothing or upload a picture of the line of shots youre about to take. I only care about what my boys are doing not some random person from Godspeed, North Dakota. Keep the mobile uploads chill. Everybody in college drinks, it doesn't make you special. Especially at this school where someone drinks once and ends up kicking holes in walls and draws on walls. Child please, what are we in 5th grade?

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