Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Alright, Time to Go Home

U.S. Ties Iran to Assassination Plot Against Saudi Diplomat on U.S. Soil

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/10/11/iranians-charged-over-terror-plot-in-us/#ixzz1aVL6jZjw

The Saudi Embassy is where the Watergate Complex (upper left) is...then look directly to your right where GWU is...too close for comfort. 

So this was the headline that just came out only a few hours ago. An assassination plot designed to blow up the Saudi Arabian and Israeli embassies. These embassies just happen to be located in Washington, DC. Well you say Washington is a big city, well yeah it is but the Saudi Arabian embassy happens to be only 1 block from my dorm building. In the article above it says "the alleged plot would have maimed others and damaged nearby structures in the surrounding area." Listen, I'm not trying to be dramatic but when you're this close to a terror target, my pants are going to be a little wet. The funny thing is that my class for extra credit just went to the Israeli embassy just 5 days ago.

But I have said it once, and I have said it again, people like this will not intimidate nor will they scare me.

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