Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Bandwagon/Fair Weather/Fake Fan

I have become an absolute expert on spotting a fair weather fan on the street. After the Bruins won the Stanley Cup all of a sudden there were Bruin logos everywhere. When the Packers won the Super Bowl, I've never seen more Cheeseheads in DC. Really guys? You're not fooling anyone. Just because you're a loser deep down inside, doesn't mean you can just pick the winning team to compensate for your lack of success in your life. A fan who remains loyal to a city, a team and goes through the pain that happens every year to teams except for one in each sport deserve to be recognized through the times of success. It shouldn't be the person who goes online and orders the championship shirt. No, the real fan will be wearing the sweaty, salt covered cap that they've been wearing for years sweating through game after game after game. All of sudden now there are Bruins shirts and hats everywhere? Did you listen to 75 of the 82 regular season games on the radio and watch every playoff game? Nope didn't think so. So my advice is go off, find another team and go jump on their bandwagon. Stop acting like you care and acting like you now what you're talking about. It's my cup, not yours.

An example, last year when the Pats lost to the Jets, tears were shed. Bandwagoners don't do that, they go and root for the team that won. There is no place for you frontrunners in the world of sports, you just take up the seats and take tickets away from the true fans. You're not allowed to have more than 1 favorite team in a sport. If that's your logo, your colors, then you stay with them. You can't have more than one wife unless you live in West Virginia so why can you have more than one team per sport. You can't. There's no second favorite, third favorite. No there isn't. It's your team and all the other teams are the enemy. Whether it be a Yankee fan or a Nationals fan, they are the enemy. I will rip them apart in the same way. When the Sox lost to the Orioles on the final day of the season and missed the playoffs, you know what I did? I wore my Sox hat and Crawford shirt out the next day. I love these teams unconditionally and will go down with the ship with them. know who you are.

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