Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Shia LaBeouf Hitting Up Bars and Getting Rocked...Literally

I think Shia LaBeouf is delusional. I don't think he understands that he doesn't have Bumble Bee or Optimus to back him up. Bud, they're not real. As much as I would like to think that they exist they don't. My dreams of seeing a yellow car transform are over and it's about time you stop acting like your life is a transformers movie Shia. Funny thing is that Shia got into a fight in Vancouver which is not surprising at all. If I were to go to one city and be guaranteed a little jousting I would go to Vancouver. Any town who's citizens burn and destroy their city are nuts. Yeah, losing the Stanley Cup hurts but these people are just insane. Well because Optimus was late to the scene, Shia got absolutely pummeled by a Canuck and that was that. Somewhere, Megatron is laughing at this. The Decepticons are definitely housed in Vancouver.

Yeah, not gonna help you there.

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