Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Most Dreaded Thing: Awkward Elevator Rides

Not many things make me nervous throughout my day, but if its one thing that really gets me sweating it is elevator rides. Before coming to college, being in the elevator with strangers was never really a problem, but now it terrifies me. I've had just bad experiences. I used to be that friendly, chatty guy that always makes comments and says thing like "hey what's up" or "have a nice night" but that's no longer. I stopped doing this because I think I just scare people. Someone sees someone friendly and it's like "wow a nice person..what?" I'm also on one of the top floors and during the morning I stop on every floor and with every person that comes on the elevator, more sweat runs down my face. I guess I should just start trying to picture every one in their underwear to try and ease the nervousness but then they'll probably think I'm a creep. I'll take the the stairs tomorrow for now on...all 85 of them (yup I counted).

This sums it up...

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