Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Turkey Trot Just Around the Corner

It's that time again baby. Couldn't be more excited. Waking up Thanksgiving Day and absolutely torturing myself by forcing myself to run 3.2 miles. I always get so amped for this run and by the first half mile, my legs begin to hate me. Ever since I went to college, I've lost my long distance running skill. I used to run from my house all the way to Sherwood Island in Westport. Safe to say I used to just kill it and tear up the roads. Now running from Wakeman to Southport Beach is a hassle. But not this year. This year I won't trot, I won't quit, this year I will come in the top 100 in the run. The training starts now. No more of this weak stuff. I'm cracking the top 100. I'm not messing around and you should sign up if you want to see history. I'm going to shock the world. From now on, it's salads and 3 miles runs everyday. Check in everyday to see my progress, I'll be blogging the regiment. Game on.

Grey sweat suit and all baby.

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