Thursday, October 13, 2011

New iOS 5 iPhone Update...Success

Listen I'm not real knowledgeable on technology and the itty bitty facts, but what I can tell you is that the iPhone update is phenomenal. iMessenger, the iPhone version of the slowly dying BBM, is fantastic and allows you to see when the message was delivered and read. Eventually that whole message being read part with no response will bug me, but for now it's awesome. iCloud is now on the phone as well. I have no idea what it is but I can tell you that it I think it allows everything to be done wirelessly whether it'd be updating your iTunes or your iBooks shelf. I thought Twitter was going to be different but I haven't gotten through exploring the features of the update yet so maybe it is different and I haven't noticed. Apple does it again.

I'm going to watch this and learn now...

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