Thursday, October 27, 2011

Coke's New Cans Look Sweet

I love cans that are white. These cans are going to make me slug coke every day this holiday season. My mom will be mad because of course Coke makes my face look like the rocky mountains, but when will I ever be able to drink Coke out of a white can again? They say the reasoning behind the color change is to bring attention to our fellow friends the polar bear up in the Arctic, or what remains of the Arctic. Listen, global warming or no global warming, the cans are sweet. Whether you think of a polar bear or not when seeing the can, it's Coca-Cola in a white can. It's fantastic. I am not quite sure what a white Coke can will do to help the polar bears but I guess it's a start. Bravo Coke, the cans have a sweet design. COKE > PEPSI.

This got me thinking about other white objects that are sweet...
 Atta baby Obama.
Best helmet in college football hands down. 

White iPhone is flashy. 
Ok, this may be a bit of stretch Betty...

White Goodman?

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