Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This Crosses the Line

Scott Van Pelt 
F-ing squirrels. Cousin of the Honey Badger. Busch stadium squirrel doesn't give a $*%*
1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhoneFavorite Retweet Reply

Well Scott van Pelt, my favorite ESPN anchor just tweeted this and he just went down in my book. If there is one thing you have to do to stay up in my book its that you have to leave squirrels alone and just let them be. They are awesome creatures and I got news for you, they are not even close to the honey badger. The honey badger can't even get on the level of a squirrel. Honey badgers just terrorize other animals, and squirrels make nature better. If a squirrel and honey badger were to fight, there wouldn't be a fight, plain and simple. Scott you really just hurt me my man. Really going to have to do a lot to earn my respect back. 

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