Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fewer Brawls at OktoberFest...Well That's Good

This really got me wondering..."Do bars around the world actually keep track of how many fights actually breakout in their establishments?" Well, the 17 day rager in Germany apparently only had 58 brawls that according to a Yahoo! article involved the beer mugs as weapons. I guess statistically that's a pretty low percent by my god, those mugs are absolutely ridiculous. Literally if a person takes one of those mugs on the dome piece, I'd said that person is looking at a good year of a coma. I legitimately could use those mugs as weights and get absolutely jacked by the end of the month. Maybe Germany should look into plastic mugs as opposed to sharp, heavy glass. But I guess it's good news that only 58 of the fights involved that meaning that a good amount of people left with a concussion and will be put on injured reserve for life. OktoberFest seems real appealing now...

At least they don't give these out, then we'd really have some problems...

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