Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Is Sleeping With a Leg Out From the Blankets Genetic?

Which do you prefer? I can't stand to have a blanket covering me the entire night. Sometimes I elect to sleep without the blanket. But someone said that sleeping style is genetic. I can't buy this. I can't. I sweat like a pig if I am covered with blankets and just smothered. I feel suffocated. I got to be able to move around, feel the air. I make sure the room is ice cold before I go to bed. There is nothing worse than being smothered by a blanket in a hot, dark room. It's torture. I got news for you...if you ever need to get an answer out of me, just cover me in a blanket and turn the heat up. I'll give up in 2 seconds. So at night right before I'm about to shut the eyes, one leg must be out or no covers at all depending on the temperature. All you blanket lovers, you guys are nuts.

This is exactly what happens when the blankets take my body over...can't happen.

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