Monday, October 10, 2011

Say it Ain't So...

So just got done reading an article and apparently I have been pressing the "door close" button on the elevator for no reason at all. The article explains how that button simply just doesn't work. So why the heck would they bother putting it on? Well I guess it is for emergency use only and you have to use like a key or something to activate it. This entire time I thought it actually worked. I mean elevators are easily the worst places on Earth. Nothing ever good can come out of an elevator ride. They are awkward, you pretend your busy on your cellphone and end up texting somebody you have no desire talking to, the person next to you smells bad, I mean the list goes on. Now you're telling me that I can't hit the "door close" button to avoid the awkward person and/or the smelly kid? Man, what's next?

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