Monday, October 17, 2011

Winter's Looking Rough

I really like weather. I don't know why, but I do. I was that kid during pre-school during drawing time that would draw the 5-day forecast and draw the sun, clouds, rain and lightning. Some days I had it sunny and 80 and 3 days later it'd be 10 degrees and a driving snow storm. I even convinced my pre-school teachers that my dad was a weatherman. Of course they didn't believe me but I thought I was killing it. Thankfully I'm not the weatherman so you don't have to worry about temperatures dropping 70 degrees in 3 days. you're all safe from that.

Source: Farmer's Almanac Snowfall Prediction

Anyways, the framer's almanac predicts the winters for the entire United States and in the Mid-Atlantic/New England areas, the winter is looking rough. Yeah we are enjoying a little warm October but we are indeed going to pay the price for it. Temperatures will be below normal and the snowfall is going to be above normal. I got to honest, last winter was absolutely brutal down here in D.C. There wasn't any snow really but it was brutally cold. Any cold without snow is downright awful. My hometown of Fairfield got rocked with snow. But my dad was prepared because he bought and absolute tank of a snowblower. This thing has no business cleaning off our driveway. This thing belongs on an airport runway. Regardless, it saved my dad from back problems because without it, it would've been problematic. So enjoy this weather while it lasts, cause the abdominal snowman will be knocking on your door soon.

Great movie.

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