Tuesday, February 7, 2012

University Putting "Plan B" in Vending Machines

Well it's safe to say the good old days of getting a Twix out of the vending machine are long gone. Vending machines were literally the last remaining innocent form of whatever we had on this Earth. Now, girls or guys (yes guys should purchase the plan B for the female in the event of an emergency) can purchase Plan B from a vending machine on the campus of Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania I think? Never heard of the school, no idea where it is but boy they put themselves on the map with this one. This is a bold move on their part. I can't wait to see what nutjobs will be protesting this move. I love this move because it is more accessible. However, some people just aren't mature enough to go in and buy Plan B. But here is my view. If you can't waltz yourself into a pharmacy and utter the phrase "Plan B" then why the hell do you think you are mature enough to have sex. You have got to be nuts. If you are able to participate in that activity with a stranger (sometimes) then why can't you look a stranger in the eye and ask them for "Plan B?" They probably would giggle and be afraid that they are going to get yelled at by the pharmacist for having sex. But maybe this school is in the woods and the closest pharmacy isn't a hop, skip and a jump away. Anti-abortion people are probably going hambones right now and are probably on their way to the campus as we speak. Again though, it's Plan B, not Plan A. We all know what Plan A is, sheep skin, latex whatever you want to call it. I just hope one day I don't press "E4" by mistake on the machine and get myself a pill as opposed to a Crunch bar. That would be a little frustrating.

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