Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thought This Was Priceless

Apparently Vermont state troopers are just realizing that the inmates in their state just played them harder than I play the Rock Band drums. I want to tell you what they did but I kind of want you to see if you can tell what they did. Prison must absolutely suck if you can come up with something this clever. Then again, they are criminals so they are pretty messed up regardless. But anyway, this seal shown above was on the sides of 30 state trooper cars (Vermont needs that many?) and it took them over a year to notice this blunder. They just noticed it today and it'll cost them 800 dollars per car to replace the decal. Looks like the mess hall will be cutting down on food as a result of this prank. What does this say about Vermont? How slow do you have to be to notice this, I really don't get it. Drinking too much maple syrup I guess.

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