Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Too Soon For This

This has to be some sort of form of littering, defacing public property or worthy of some sort of life sentence in prison right? The company "Pawngo" is responsible for this mess. The Denver based company decided to dump Butterfingers all over Copley Square. Safe to say I guess they're still bitter after what we did to their Denver Broncos and taking their golden boy Tim Tebow and making him look like a Middle School boy. I hope they made this woman pick up this eye sore of a pile of candy bars. Listen, the idea was funny, but too soon. Hopefully she made it out of the city unharmed.

By the way, if you need to dump mounds of Butterfingers in the middle of a city to get your company name out, you should probably fire your marketing director. Actually, just get rid of your entire company all together. It looks dumb.

Now this is genius marketing...thank you E*Trade.

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