Sunday, February 26, 2012

A-Rod Offers Lin a Place "to Crash"

Has Alex Rodriguez hit rock bottom or what? First of all, every record the man has is going to have an asterisk next to it because of his use of steroids and now he's calling for attention from everybody in New York by asking Jeremy Lin to come be his roommate. Honestly, this is by far the biggest publicity stunt I've seen in my lifetime besides Kris Humphries of course. The aging third basemen has obviously been out of the spotlight too long and is really trying to get himself back in it. Listen pal, Lin doesn't need you to offer him a place to sleep. Lin is just doing fine on his own. Yes he's turning the ball over 10 times a game but that doesn't mean you can take advantage of this in hopes of him turning money over to you for rent. Why don't you just focus on spring training and staying healthy. Obviously the 'roids have taken a toll on your body being that you have all of a sudden become injury prone. Leave Lin alone, I mean for crying out loud he should be offering you a place to stay, the man has his own ice cream!

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