Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lebron Drinks Apple Martinis

According to a Cleveland area steakhouse waitress, Lebron sucks down apple martinis like its his job. Apparently its his drink of choice. This is just another reason to laugh at possibly the most hated athlete in America. There is nothing wrong with a vodka martini, straight up, dirty. That's a man's drink. That's how real men do it. There is none of this adding fruity goodness to a drink. You order that for your girlfriend or wife at the bar, not for yourself. This waitress doesn't end the admissions there. Apparently, James orders his steak not only well-done but also "cut up into pieces." Besides the fact that I used to ask my Mommy to cut up my food until I was about 5 years old, he orders his steak well-done? A real man orders a steak medium rare to medium. When you get a steak well-done you mine as well just burn the thing dry. A well-done steak doesn't have a taste, you need to have that red to pink center and that nice meat flavor. He also likes his spaghetti cut up apparently. Frankly, I never understood the point of cutting spaghetti up because it just makes it absolutely impossible to eat. Like honestly how do you attack cut up spaghetti? It just slides off a spoon and a fork is about as useful as the French in a war. Lebron's reasoning for getting all his foods cut up is because he liked the idea of bringing home with him on the road. News flash Lebron: your hometown of Akron does not like you anymore. You stabbed them in the back and flat out embarassed them. Your home is Miami now. So learn to drink some rum and go tanning on a nude beach because Ohio is no longer your state. Drink responsibly ya chick!

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