Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Advertisement at DC Metro Station Goes Way Too Far

Listen, I'm all for healthy political debate and all but this honestly goes way too far. Do I disagree with some of Obamas ways, absolutely but I don't care if it is the devil in the White House, you respect the President of the United States. You respect the office even if the person there stole your wife and is now your worst enemy. The Office of the President of the United States is one the most powerful positions in the world and it is to be respected. It is the people who create these ads that cause the problems in this country. They clearly are uneducated and there is no denying that. If the President speaks, you listen. If he does something you don't like then you act in a respectful manner demanding change. Putting up ridiculous signs that have absolutely no point is not the way to get it done and it is an embarrassment to the First Amendment. If you are going to exercise your First Amendment rights do it in a way that makes sense and not in a way where you sound like you were raised by cavemen.

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