Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lin the New Tebow...And We All Know How That Story Ends

Listen, I've been venting about this for a while now and I just have to get it out there. Jeremy Lin is nothing but the flavor of the month in that so called "sports town" that is New York City. Listen, I understand the Jet, Met and Islander fans getting excited because let's face it, every season doesn't exactly treat them with kindness so they deserve this. So I'm not necessarily blaming this base of fans. I'm pointing my finger at the Giant fans, the ones who are now parading around saying that New York is back. I know winning just isn't really in your past but let's all settle down. Can the kid play? Yes, the kid has game. But I'm hearing "better than Rondo" "best in the league" and "MVP." Don't hide Giant fans, I know who's starting these little irrational predictions. It's time to step off your high horse and stop putting every athlete in your town on a pedestal. First it was Stoudemire, then it was Anthony and now it's Lin. All of sudden you guys just despise both Carmelo and Amare and are infatuated with Lin. Do you ever remain loyal? For crying out loud, you guys wanted to fire Coughlin. Do you even know what loyalty is? And another thing. All of sudden you guys actually know who Henrik Lundqvist is. It's about time holy crap. Just now you are realizing that the Rangers are a Stanley Cup contender. That's not a sports town. As far as I am concerned, New York is nothing but a front-running, conditional loving sports city with phenomenal restaurants and attractive women. That's how I view it. It's not intimidating to play New York. The fan base isn't scary. The only reason why the city is viewed as a sports town is because you have the largest media outlet in the nation. Aside from that, New York fans are soft. Let me be clear, Jet, Met and Islander fans are not included in this. They understand their place and eventually I'll have to give them the business. But as for you Giant, Yankee and Rangers fans (all of sudden there are) get over your "Linsanity." You didn't hear me going all nuts for Rondo making up stupid phrases for him. I'm not a cheerleader, I'm a sports fan. I actually understand what's going on and follow the teams through the pain and glory. You guys are cheerleaders, you travel with the team but pay attention very little. This world is full of front-runners and the capital of that category is no other than New York, New York.

Exhibit A.

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