Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lecture Hall Revolution

Alright I've had enough of the whole leaving a seat between two people when it comes to sitting down for class. I'm changing the game. I'm frankly disgusted with how much people really don't like putting themselves out there and interacting. I got to tell you too it is at an all time high at my school. Some people have the whole "F*** off" tattooed on their forehead and other people simply struggle to even mutter two words when having a conversation. Well that's all about to change because I'm scrubbing off that tat starting right now (yes, as I sit waiting for class to begin) I have sat next to someone, no chair in between. The classroom is virtually empty so I am indeed that creepy dude in the lecture hall. She's probably saying to herself what the hell is this guy doing? She has every right to, however the minute I get done posting this I'm going to strike up a nice conversation and it'll make her day. I have no interest in even communicating with this girl again because she doesn't seem like she gets out much but maybe it'll put a smile on her face. I'm battling against the awkwardness here. Sure some people smell, have bad breathe or spread their legs out so much that getting within a 10 foot radius of them is impossible but I'm on a mission. Have you ever seen someone sit down and then put their bag on the seat next to them? That's the real kicker. There's always one of those kids. Or the kid who sits in the way back usually wearing a ridiculous looking hoodie and all you can see is the top of his head because his playing Words with Friends. That's my next task tomorrow. Sit next to that "way-back sitter." That'll be a shock to his little territory huh? One moment he thinks he's all safe in his little area and the next class BOOM I'm all up in his grill. Let the battle begin. I'll break the ice with this girl by telling her I like her sneakers. Chick is rocking some sweet kicks right now.

PS-Guys do not apply this policy to the bathroom when choosing a urinal. Always leave a space, if not two. Not leaving a space is not a revolution it's just a little weird.

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