Monday, February 27, 2012

New Celebration

So I have a class at 2:20 today and I am getting the midterm back that I took in that class last Wednesday. I filled up that entire blue book which by the way are the most dreadful things to look at and hold. Just the whole idea of a blue book just scares me. When using one I never know whether or not to use the back of the sheet as well. I'll be cruising along answering a question and then I reach the end of the page and I literally spend about 5 minutes pondering to myself whether or not to use the back of the page. I base my decision off of whether or not the pen that I am using bled through the page. Nothing worse than writing on the back of a page where the pen just bled right on through. I would like it a whole lot better if professors just simply stated "do not use the back of the page." My life would be a heck of a lot easier. Anyways, if I get that blue book back today and I hauled in an 'A' this is going to be my celebration. Word for word, move for move. Fist pump, swearing and all. The only thing that would be missing is my wife crying in the background. Maybe I can ask some girl to carry out that role.

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