Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Adele Just Got That Much Hotter

Adele just jumped from a 9.9 out of 10 to a 10 out of 10 without question. After cleaning house at the Britain Music Awards or whatever they call it over there, she was giving another acceptance speech and those sons of guns cut her off. Well Adele did what any dime would do and that's to flick off the producers of the show. This shows that Adele just has absolute crazy side to her that makes me want to go out and party with her. Unfortunately I don't have her digits or have the celebrity status to even get close to her but a man can dream right? Got to love a chick who has a little fight in her, a little bit of an edge. She has every right to go off on the producers of these awards. How dare you cut off the speech of the "songbird of our generation." She has the absolute voice of an angel. As a matter of fact, I'm tearing up just listening to "Someone Like You" right now. I get looks like I am absolute nuts that I think Adele is good looking. The whole fat, weird looking, weird hair type excuses just don't work on me. How could you not want your girlfriend to sing like that? Adele is a whole lot of woman. What a gal!

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