Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Again This is Why Sports Are Awesome

This little Kindergardener has the attitude of a Boston fan but only way out west in Kansas. I don't really expect this out of the midwest which is shocking. I felt bad for Indianapolis when Pats and Giants fans just rained down on the city. It was probably the most obnoxious the city has ever been and the virgin ears of the people living there are virgin no more. Regardless, I love the passion of this little kid. Teacher tells her to color in the Kansas Jayhawk and she just flat out refuses to do so. Why? Because she's a Kansas State fan and for her it's all about the Wildcats. Screw the Jayhawk. Of course though, the teacher and school made the poor girl color it in, but she did it reluctantly. Then the girl decided to write an apology to the teacher for refusing to color in the Jayhawk and I have a problem with this. This girl needs to understand that there is no need to apologize here. When it comes to sports, everybody is on the same level as everyone else. If a teacher is going to force you to go against your team then you give it right back to her and don't apologize. I spend my life on Facebook just spitting all sorts of stuff and never once have I apologized because let's face it I hate New York. Apologizing for talking trash just isn't a winning mentality. Once you say it, mean it. Don't apologize. What are they teaching kids these days? Maybe this is why every young fan nowadays is soft and too neutral. There's no passion anymore, there's no fight. If I were a teacher and tried to make a Giant fan color in the Patriots logo and he refused, I would chuck him out of my class but repsect the hell out of the kid after. Kid has guts. That's what our schools need. Screw math and science, let's teach the art of toughness and BS-ing.


Emma, you need to color this thing. The teacher might have to send you to the principal's office.
I don't care. I'm not coloring it.
Hmmm…Ok. What if I make you a deal. What if I print out a Powercat and you color it purple, grey and white. Then write an apology to your teacher because you were rude. Will you agree to that?
(pouts) Fine.
Ok, but you need to color that Jayhawk for your teacher.
(silent, exhales) Fine.
You will?
Yes. But I don't like it. And I'm wearing a K-State shirt tomorrow.
Fine. You don't have to like it. Just do it and I want you to tell your teacher you're sorry as well.

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