Sunday, February 26, 2012

How Meaningless is the 40-yard Sprint?

It's all over the internet. Robert Griffin III ran a 4.38 dash. Great. I'm very impressed. It's quite fast and is a good sign of athletic ability I guess. But running the 40 can be practiced and there is a method to the madness when running it. It's all in the jump you get off the line. It's all timing. If you get a bad start, then you're pretty much doomed. It's a nice thing for the combine to do. But honestly, the combine is nothing but a money making aspect of the NFL nowadays anyway. The only reason that the combine actually came to be was so all the players could get their physicals done in one place. It was a way to save money and make the process of getting all the physicals done in an orderly fashion. Now like any smart organization would do, they realized they could make money off of it. Very smart move. But honestly, when Brady weighed in at the combine he looked like an even scrawnier me and now is the greatest of all time. So does the combine really prove anything? Could you tell me the 40 time of Barry Sanders or Emmett Smith? No you couldn't. It means nothing. And tell me when RGIII will ever be wearing this attire in an NFL game. You got a 15 pound helmet, with pads and heavier shoes on. Unless Nike who takes over uniform production in like 2 years has the players trot out there in a speedo and a youth sized shirt, RGIII won't see this time again. Honestly, the 40 sickens me.

By the way, a few players who have run a faster time than RG3...

DeMarcus Van Dyke
Darrius Heyward-Bey
Fabian Washington
Yamon Figurs

Is it a tell tale sign of success? Not really.

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