Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Is This A Violation of a Basic Human Right?

How can they just do this. I wake up to this email? I got out of bed got my towel and out of the shower spout came a whole lot of nothing. What exactly is a vital plumbing situation? Forget it I don't really want to know. This building is old enough to the point where I think if I saw the condition of the pipes here, I'd walk around smelling like an Italian cold-cut and would be content. But literally it is the worst feeling in the world getting all ready for a shower in the morning and not having running water. It was literally a feeling of absolute defeat and helplessness. Not to mention I was in nothing but a towel and was absolutely freezing which just put the fudge on that sundae. It's safe to guess that yes I did rock sweatpants and a hoodie today. If GW isn't gong to give me the water I need then I'm not returning the favor with my Sunday's best. I literally cannot believe they can deny someone the right to water. What if someone had blown the campaign sky high and caused a fire? Ballgame. Game over. Game. Set. Match. There was no water, no way to put the fire out and boom goes the dynamite. As a matter of fact Ms. Paris I do have a question...what the hell?

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