Friday, February 24, 2012

Rodgers Bites the Hand that Feeds Him and Braun is NOT Clean

Aaron Rodgers is really tweeting about how awful ESPN is about making Ryan Braun out to be a fool and an idiot? Aaron are you serious? The only reason you are as big as you are is simply because of the fact ESPN had your back throughout the whole Brett Favre situation. ESPN does not care about any other team except for the Packers bro. It's unreal and here you are going off just stabbing them right in the back after they single handily made you comfortable in your starting role. You are a piece of work and are nothing short of being overrated. You have never had my respect and you never will. Not that you really need my respect because I'm pretty irrelevant, but regardless you absolutely suck. What is this all of a sudden you fell the need to protect Braun because you probably ate dinner with him a few times in Milwaukee because you're the best two athletes that state has seen professionally? Sweet bro. If it weren't for Rachel Nichols absolutely wanting to marry you, you would not have had the confidence to even play a football game. Big tough guy saying it all on Twitter huh Aaron? Pretty big words for a guy who just choke jobbed in the playoffs this year huh? Here's a lesson folks...never bite the hand that feeds you. Let's if Rachel Nichols tweets about you every two seconds now. And you're calling me an idiot? Calling us idiots because for years baseball has been tainted with like scum bags like Ryan Braun? I have no question that Braun is guilty and this is nothing but a Bud Selig cover-up. Selig can't afford an MVP to be dirty on his watch. Selig has already lost control of the league, he really can't have this happen. Nice work Bud. Favres better by the way.

I'll let my buddy take it from here. All u idiots talking about technicality open up for some crow too. See if Espn gets pressured not to let the people hear the truth. Should get interesting.  

Sweet hashtag too bro...what are you 7?

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