Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Iran Loves Valentine's Day...What?

Just as Iran and Israel are about to just go nuts on each other and both are just in a shouting match, Iran has come out and said they love Valentine's Day. Well if this isn't just a "what the heck" moment then I don't know what is. Last time I checked, Valentine's Day is a very Western type tradition and Iran isn't exactly in bed with the western world. Maybe this is a sign? Maybe we aren't so different. Maybe we actually can get along. Maybe instead of having Valentine's Day just be celebrated by couples we can expand to countries as well. So hear me out. Each year a country gets a Valentine aka another country. From there, each country can exchange gifts from little Hershey Kisses to ballistic missiles whatever floats their boat. Obviously candies and cards of various sorts will be highly suggested. So this year Israel and Iran can be Valentines and maybe the U.S. can send a few thousand bouquets to Pakistan. Maybe this whole gift exchange can hit the soft spots of what has seem to become a world of egos and power-hungry greedy individuals. But if its one thing we are all sure of, Australia would be a hell of a Valentine because they just love everybody. Just hanging out all isolated and raging with the roos, that nation is just living it up. Dibs on them.

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