Monday, April 23, 2012

Wait, People are Just Starting to Realize that Detroit is Neglecting Tiger Stadium?

I was there for the Final Four in 2008 and this was going on. I saw it first hand. Tiger Stadium, the once historic site, and the one time home of the Detroit Tigers is nothing but a wasteland now. However, this is just becoming a news story today? I mean c'mon. This has been going on since its closing and it is just getting noticed? It is one of the saddest sites to see in today's world easily. Especially being a baseball fan, watching a stadium like this just go to waste is a sad reminder of what is currently going on in Detroit. I could not even imagine if Fenway was left to crumble like this. It really is a sad, eerie site. All that is left there now is untamed weeds and benches. No plaque? A one time place of joy is a symbol of struggle in the Motor City.

 It stood like this for about 10 years for lack of funding.

The half-standing stadium with the old Union Station in Detroit abandoned in the background.
And this all that stands on the site now. Home plate is barely visible through the towering, unkept grass. 

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