Tuesday, April 24, 2012

So Apparently Catfish Have Armor Now?

I don't know how many times I have to say it, we humans just don't belong in the water and now all these little critters are fighting back. If it isn't a shark, then it's a whale and if it isn't a whale then now it's apparently this catfish that looks like it could destroy me. They're affecting land now too. They are making their move. Apparently they cause erosion but I really don't care about that. The bigger deal is that they are burrowing holes along that water's edge that have apparently caused injuries to many people when they step and trip on them. Can we not take a hint yet? Catfish are supposed to the friendly, ugly looking things but are supposed to be harmless. A lot of people even like eating it because it is supposed to taste good. Now, you have this catfish that is just straight taking over. Gone are the days of the ugly looking ones and in come the days of the armored catfish. It's a revolution of catfish and we are about to experience a little bit of a problem. Everybody panic!

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