Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Robert Andino Looks Like He Loves Baltimore huh?

My favorite team to rip on in baseball besides the New York Yankees has got to be the Baltimore Orioles. Though they are a team that only wins about 60 games a season, they are by far the most infuriating crappy team there is in the bigs. Truthfully, the only good thing about this club is their glorious ballpark, which is really nice. Okay enough compliments. Take Robert Andino here for example and it basically sums up what it is like to play in Baltimore. Look how happy he is in 2010. Just another guy happy to be playing Major League Baseball. Then he is slowly realizing that he a) has to play/live in Baltimore b) has to play under that horrible man named Buck Showalter c) will never win a title playing for the Orioles. They don't give out rings for having nice uniforms. This Orioles tried to switch up their logo this year too, maybe to try and spark something. It worked for the Rays and so far the Orioles are off to a solid start. Sad part is that they have already won 3 of their 60 games for the year. Going to be a long summer. Keep on smiling Andino!

The Curse of Andino...being at this game made it that much more painful.

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