Friday, April 13, 2012

Lingerie Football League Over...For Now

I don't know many people who watched this. I know I watched a total of about 10 minutes of it. Well it's apparently going on a "hiatus" and returning next year. First of all, I never even knew what channel it was on or when it was even on. Did they even have a season or would they just randomly play games? I know down here in DC the closest team was up in Baltimore and I knew of some people who wasted a night going up and watching chicks play football there. Of course their uniforms were interesting and some of the "players" were ridiculously good looking, however would you ever want a to date someone that could potentially kick the daylights out of you? Absolutely not. Those girls are tougher than I am. It's not hard to be but I honestly would want no part of them. I don't think I could even hold hands with one of them because I'd be way too intimidated. Watching them on TV was just fine for me, going to their games would have been a step way too far. Scary thought.

PS- So if every sideline reporter is female in the NFL, were all the sideline reporters male for this? Or do we continue to just give those jobs to good looking females regardless?

In case you were curious at all to what this is like...scary. By the way is that SEAN SALISBURY in this video? Boy has he just hit rock bottom or what.

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