Thursday, April 5, 2012

Russia Developing A Gun That Turns People Into Zombies...Yup, I Feel Safe

I'm not a huge horror movie fan at all. I'll watch the occasional horror movie but I got to be with people, can't be by myself. Also, when watching a scary movie I must be sure that before the movie starts, I apply a thick layer of antiperspirant all over my body because I sweat like crazy. I can't stand zombie movies, like the 28 Days Later ones and stuff like that. The only comforting thought was that zombies don't exist and will never be real. Well, thanks for Vladimir Putin all that is changing. That son of a gun (no pun intended) is developing a weapon that attacks a humans central nervous system and makes the people act like zombies. They say it doesn't cause them to become flesh eating nutjobs but why is Russia even risking this? I could not be happier that a) that man is not my President and b) there are two oceans on either side of the U.S. and Russia. Yo Obama, no ideas bro.

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