Tuesday, April 24, 2012

An Entire Playlist Dedicated To 'Call Me Maybe' Remixes

I'm not going to complain at all. Nothing wrong with this whatsoever. I'm still a huge fan of the original. I was one of those who was a little late on the 'Call Me Maybe' bandwagon but this song can flat out get the people going. If you can't belt out a few words and just pump the fist to this jam then I really think you just lack the whole 'having a good time' mentality. I'll be honest, it's playing right now as I am typing this. Another great aspect of this song is that you can just 'cat-daddy' 'dougie' or do the 'twist' to this song and you don't look dumb. It flat out gets the people going. So if you're a DJ and the alcohol isn't lubricating the people enough, just play this song and people will be coming out of their shells in two seconds. Guaranteed.

Oh, it's provocative.

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