Sunday, April 29, 2012

So Clam Jam Again Looked Weak

Okay so listen, it's no surprise that Fairfield is not much of a college town. The police officers there don't fight any crime so the favorite thing to do is to control underage drinking and house parties. I understand that universities always have to have their little spring ragers monitored but for anybody who knows Fairfield, seeing cops on horses is just bad news especially along that road there. The fact that you also need a wristband for an outdoor kegger is just insane and the cops seem to be quite strict about it. Listen, Fairfield is a town that sits on the beach so you would think that it automatically has to be a good college town right? Wrong. It's a very upscale type town. People don't like having drunk college kids roaming the streets and causing all sorts of problems. Why do you think the police are here? It's not because of the university thinks its necessary but its because the people complain. Fairfield just won't be a college town. You got to take it from a true Fairfielder who knows how the town works. It's a fun town, it really is. The Fairfield University students though just don't quite understand how it works. But they are leaving soon anyways and it's back to the old veterans of the field to start taking over the party scene again.

PS- How nervous does kid look on the deck there with the cops looming?

One Fairfield University student had this to say...I wonder how many beers he had in him when he used to the word 'brutality.' Little bit extreme there Gompers.

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