Friday, April 6, 2012

No Sympathy John!

5 minute major, fair call. But Ranger coach John Tortorella needs to learn to cut the crap and hush his mouth. This guy is by far is the biggest whiner in the NHL. We get it John, it was a knee on knee hit which warrants a 5 minute major penalty, but drop it because that's all it should be. But no, you think that because your team is going into the playoffs as the 1 seed that you should be protected. Sorry bud, doesn't work that way. I hate the Penguins just as much as the next guy and I can't stand Sydney Crosby, but you need to shut your trap. You complain after every single game. How do you think I feel? I haven't had Mark Savard for 2 years (we don't need him) after the Penguins (Matt Cooke) ended his career on the cheapest hit I've ever seen. You don't see us crying and moaning about it do you? John shut your trap and coach. That's your job.

And you're not an arrogant organization? You're number 2 in fighting majors in the league and you're not arrogant? Is this interview not arrogant? Please pal. Give me a break. I hope the Caps white the floor with you guys first round.

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