Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Canucks 2012 Playoff Video

I'm literally too busy laughing at this to even comment. First of all you got the stupid greenmen bartending which is just bizarre to me. Then you got this whole Bruins, Canucks fight just breaking out in the middle of a bar. The funny part about it is that it shows the Sedins fighting off Marchand and Lucic. When was the last time those two even hit somebody? Thelma and Louise Sedin aren't exactly tough hockey players. I don't even think they have the strength to toss anybody off the balcony nevermind actually plant somebody on the ice. Glad to see Vancouver is completely over losing the cup last year. Their promo video should of been about rules and proper conduct when losing a series. Rule number 1: don't turn your city into the Detroit of Canada. If the Canucks don't win the Cup this year (they won't) then Vancouver won't even have to wait until December of this year for the world to end, there'll be nothing left there anyways by June.

Chills. You feel that Vancouver? Didn't think so.

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