Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Getting Old

"You only live once." Right, so it makes perfect sense to run around like an absolute fool and spend the night in a jail cell. I mean maybe this gave the Sox a reason to laugh in last night's 7-3 loss but I hope the kid liked spending the night on a wooden bed in a Toronto jail. But yeah, that's completely what I would like to do before I die. I dream of stripping down into a speedo and giving everybody the privilege of seeing my absolutely ripped body. Kid isn't going to haul in any chicks doing this, especially Canadian ones. Now if he did this at a hockey game, the dude would have girls waiting in line, but because he did it at a Blue Jay game where it's pretty easy to do so, not going to get much respect. 

Here's the video. Kid makes a weak move at trying to dodge the cops. There's a reason there is no NFL team in Canada. 

Now if he had done this before streaking then maybe I'd give the kid some props, but I doubt it.

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