Sunday, April 29, 2012

This Why I Hate New York

Again, if Yankee fans were remotely gentlemen at all, they would have gotten security and put this to bed early. Instead, these dudes let their scummy wives or girlfriends or whatever they are just go wreck this obviously hammered Boston fan. Boston is without question the more classy city. This doesn't happen at Fenway. It just doesn't. It all didn't help the Metallica was playing in the background. Gets people all jacked up and hyped and people clearly feel tougher than they should with the combination of beer and this song. Literally could have killed this girl though the way she hit her head on the guard rail thing there. Boston chicks are tough though. They get up right away. If a Yankee chick had gone down like that, she probably would have struggled mightily.


  1. pretty sure that is metallica enter sandman in the background
