Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We Need to Pay Pilots More

I mean yet again another pilot just stays calm under pressure and saves 230 lives. This Polish airline, departed from Newark, NJ today November 1st and made an emergency landing in Poland without any landing gears. This is just like my man Sully, who landed the plane in the Hudson River and saved everyone's life. This is why I'm not afraid of flying. These men at the controls here know what's up. I mean this guy lands a plane that is multiple feet long and weighs tons and just brings it to a stop after going ridiculously fast in the air. Unreal. But LOT airlines? You guys may want to update or inspect your planes. I mean there's no way that they couldn't have known the landing gears were going to fail. That's just laziness. Not to mention I've never heard of LOT airlines. 

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