Monday, November 28, 2011

Twitter Makes Governor Cry

I love America and it is with a heavy heart that I say, we have lost our swagger and have lost our base. Recently all it took was an 18-year old from Kansas to Tweet about how her governor is horrific. She said that she actually made these statements to Governor Brownback's face, when really she didn't.

The tweet:
"Just made mean comments at gov. brownback and told him he sucked, in person #heblowsalot,"

First of all, phenomenal use of the hashtag. Straight to the point, doesn't try and incorporate a theme or tie the entire tweet together. That's the type of thing that can get trending. A girl could talk about an ex-boyfriend and somebody could talk about how Lebron chokes away games in the 4th quarter. Anyway, the stalkers in the governor's office searched the Tweets and responded demanding an apology from the girl. She said hell no. What are we 6 years old? What do you want your mommy? Are your feelings hurt governor? Clearly, this girl doesn't like you and you can't take it can you? To be a politician you have to be thick skinned and you my friend have wax paper for skin. Well now this 18-year old girl has over 9,000 followers so moral of the story, bash your governor on Twitter and you'll have more followers than all your friends combined. 

52 seconds, 18 year old > Governor

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