Monday, November 7, 2011

Chicken Pox Lollipops

Is anything innocent these days? What happened to the days where a lollipop was easily the most innocent thing in a world and was the dream treat of a child. Well, now some schemers out there in "who knows where" America are sending out lollipops to kids to lick in order to become immune to the chicken pox. The lollipop licked by an infected child is sought to be a way to prevent taking the vaccine. This is rubbish. I'm appalled at this story. Now a child and parent are going to be scarred every time their own kid wants a lollipop. Somehow our society has created a way to link the chicken pox virus to a Tootsie Roll Pop. I mean honestly what are we going to think of next. "Eat this bag of sour patch and you won't get a girl pregnant." Just stop this malarkey for crying out loud.

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