Sunday, November 20, 2011

Does Anybody Miss the NBA?

I got to be honest, I don't miss the NBA all that much right now simply because the Celtics were going to absolutely be horrific. I don't miss Lebron putting up 40 points in the first 2 minutes of the game, then laying an egg the rest of the quarters. If the Celtics were favored to win it all then I'd absolutely be furious, but they would've finished as a 6, 7 or 8 seed played the Heat or Bulls and gotten thrashed just like they did last season. But the sport that is loving the whole no NBA thing is the NHL. People in America need to start following the NHL more and more. Hockey isn't only a Canadian sport. The only reason why people think that is because America has made it that way. In my area, there aren't enough hockey fans. Hey New York, the Rangers are looking good this year. I mean, the Bs are putting up 20 goals a game and will take the Cup again this year, but people should start jumping on team's bandwagons and following them. Yeah you have college basketball and that's awesome, but in January when the NCAA gets a little slow, why not turn on a little puck? It's the NHL baby.

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