Sunday, November 20, 2011

This is Exactly Why an Underwear Brand Should Stay Out of Sports...

Now I don't even like Michigan or Michigan State. But if I was a Michigan State fan, I'd be furious at what some knucklehead at Victoria's Secret did. Yeah, seems like a sweet shirt for a chick and it'd look good on a her, but combining Michigan and Michigan State into one shirt is ridiculously dumb. How did the genius designing this shirt think that "Hail to the Victors" is a Michigan State phrase? Hey's not. That phrase was coined by the Wolverines, not the Spartans. Just stop Victoria's Secret. Yeah, you're models are  legit and stuff but stay out of the whole sports scene. You obviously are out of your league and can't handle it. Pathetic. This is the kind of mess up that puts companies out of business.

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