Monday, November 7, 2011

Straight Through the Heart

This one hurts. Real bad. I'm talking really really bad. To have Eli Manning go up to Foxboro after claiming he was elite and then outplaying Brady just makes me gag. I'm sick to my stomach. I want to make so many excuses but I legitimately can't do it. I have too much respect for the game of football to do that. But honestly, this whole Eli leading a drive to beat the Patriots at the end of games is really getting old. I mean, I've watched Brady do it to other teams time after time but it's not supposed to happen to me. I root for the New England Patriots, they aren't supposed to lose to Eli Manning? Sure 2007 happened but was that just a fluke? Apparently not. I don't want to think that this is decline of Brady and the boys but the thought is creeping inside the old noggin. I need my old Patriots back. Where did they go? I was used to waking up on Sundays, watching the game and being able to relax by half time because we were already up 24 points. I guess this is what it feels like to be a fan of the Redskins or the Rams or the Jets for that matter. A touchdown used to just warrant a fist pump because it was just another day at the office. Now a touchdown seems hard to come by with an offense that should score on every possession.

This cheered me up though...
"Ahh don't hurt me."

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